Driver Automation Tool 6.4.6 Crack

By | October 8, 2023

Driver Automation Tool 6.4.6 Crack + Activation Key Free Download

The Driver Automation Tool is a GUI developed in PowerShell which provides full automation of BIOS and driver downloads, extraction, packaging and distribution with Dell, HP, Lenovo & Microsoft client hardware. The intuitive GUI provides you with a full list of models from the supported manufacturer, allowing you to select one or many models, it also will detect Dell and Lenovo models matched against the WMI models known to ConfigMgr.

Driver Automation Tool Crack creates an interface that enables you to automate the process of obtaining, extracting, and embedding driver packages for Acer, Dell, Lenovo, HP, Microsoft, and other manufacturers. It is a robust Windows PowerShell script. Using the software of your choosing, you may download driver or bias packages for several operating systems, maximizing the advantages of switching to new platforms.

It seems to reason that your PC will function better in every situation the better its hardware configuration. Driver updates are a requirement for any computer because they have a significant impact on performance. As a result, Driver Automation Tool Keygen has the ability to assist you in obtaining complete driver packages that are prepared for deployment. One of the first things to note is that the application arrives in a small bundle and is ready to use as soon as the download is complete. This enables information to be transported and used on other computers by being stored on a USB flash drive. It should be noted that a working Internet connection is necessary to access the particular server, and administrator credentials are required for the software to collect all data correctly.

In reality, the program is nothing more than a PowerShell script with a user-friendly interface for downloading particular BIOS and driver packages. But keep in mind that the program is not your standard driver downloader; instead, it specializes in downloading complete driver installations prepared for installation on big computer configurations. Reaching the desired SCCM server is one of the first tasks, and if no computer is specified, the application will use your computer as the default. A proxy server may also be used to establish the connection. It is necessary to seek up and add models from manufacturers of interest, with options for Acer, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Lenovo, and Microsoft.

You must carefully select the deployment platform of interest from the available alternatives, which include MDT, SCCM, and MDT, the standard package, SCCM driver, and download-only. Both the corresponding architecture and the operating system must be chosen. Repository and package file paths can be specified, albeit UNC paths are only used at the root share level. With the help of driver cleanup options, you may get rid of outdated driver packages as well as unneeded drivers that are not linked to any particular package. After all, is said and done, it is safe to say that Driver Automation Program Key is a reliable driver package download tool that is useful for the widespread installation of drivers on a variety of machines. You may get complete BIOS and driver packages for a wide range of manufacturers and models.

Driver Automation Tool Crack


  • For machines from Acer, Dell, Lenovo, HP, and Microsoft, create XML output.
  • Download drivers that work with all hardware kinds.
  • For rapid updates, download BIOS drivers.
  • Updates to the PowerShell BIOS are possible.
  • Possible exit from the driver’s seat.
  • The capacity to design driver packages for common areas.
  • Plus a lot more.

What’s New?

  • There is no information about this version on the official website.

System Requirements:

  • Processor: Pentium IV or higher.
  • RAM: 1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended).
  • Free Hard Disk Space: 200 MB or more.

License Key 2022:

  • Y7TB6-5RCE4-3XW4E-C5TB7-6Y8U9
  • NY7CE-45XW3-ZXWCE-5TV76-BY34F
  • NH7BG-6F543-2W4ER-5T6Y7-UN89N
  • CE45X-W34CE-5TV76-BY8TV-6XE45

How to Crack?

  • First, click one of the given download links.
  • Also, do not forget to uninstall the previous version of this software.
  • Now, Extract the .rar file.
  • Install the setup normally and close it when done.
  • Press CTRL + ALT + DELETE and go to Task Manager
  •  Now open the ‘Crack’ or ‘Patch’ folder, and copy and paste the patch into the installation folder.
  • After this run patch as administrator and click the crack button.
  • That’s it. All done now 😁

Download Link